Monday, November 11, 2013

Compassion - A Poem

When I was in high school, I used to write poems almost every day. They seemed to flow from me. I would find inspiration for poetry in my friends, in nature, from my imagination, from pictures- everything would spark a poetic verse. But, after I finished high school I stopped writing poetry. Some things just weren't the same anymore and I lacked some of the inspiration that I previously had. Three and a half years later, and only a few days ago, I was rummaging through some of my keepsakes and found an old note somebody had written to me. "Never stop writing poems" it said.  This note inspired me to take up writing poetry again.

I searched on Google and came across a long list of different poetry types. After seeing the list, I challenged myself to write a poem for each style. Here is the first poem, an acrostic. I put it in my sketchbook and decorated it up a bit.

Here's the poem, in case you can't read it from the picture. 

Cheerfully laying aside
Our own selfishness and pride,
Making the things that we do
Pleasing and helpful and true. 
As we see another's need
Sympathy will take the lead.
Seeking to help and to care,
In love, their burdens we'll share.
Our virtues ever should be, 
Niceness, love and sympathy.